Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Holiday

So, I am not what you would call a "crafty person" but thanks to Mary Weisse who gave us this wonderful idea on how to make an Easter garland I actually quite enjoyed sitting down tracing, cutting, and gluing this project together. I felt like a kid again really... so excited to hang it up for John to see when he came home.

Although the Easter bunny did not make an appearance at the Klocek household this year I'll bet he'll start making plenty of visits in the coming years. But we did indeed have a nice Easter. I was cooking and baking well into Saturday evening and we spent a lovely afternoon with family at my sister's house on Sunday. I love holidays. I wish there were more of them in a year.
The next holiday approaching is one that my husband considers a very serious and significant holiday on his calendar. It's called THE PURPLE. But more on that later.

1 comment:

M Weisse said...

Thanks for the shout out! It turned out great!